The TufFish Show - Imposter Syndrome, my Early Writing Mistakes & Why the Rules are Not Always Helpful

This podcast interview is a gift to my writer friends - and includes some topics I haven’t addressed before - Imposter syndrome, how to take something useful from rejection feedback, the biggest mistake I made early in my writing career. And why the writing rules are not always helpful.

The Exit Strategy wins Book of the Year from IAN!

Today, I found out that my debut won its 12th award - 2021 Book of the Year from the Independent Author Network (IAN) for Outstanding Women’s Fiction.

And this landed right when I was falling into the danger of imposter syndrome and self comparison, and needed a reminder to keep going.

Interested in Smart Award-Winning Authors to Talk with Your Group?

The Author Talk Network is a small group of award-winning, dedicated authors. We all love talking books, writing, the art of story, and so much more. So we decided to collaborate to make ourselves available to your book group, school, library, talk show, podcast, or other.

The Exit Strategy wins National Indie Excellence Award - An Updated Take on Awards and Self-Doubt

That first line was my reaction in 2017, when this novel reached the finals in the Rising Star…and honestly, it’s still part of my reaction now. You see, as a writer, those accolades, the “yes” if you wish, will always be so much less numerous than the “no”s .