Hear us Roar Podcast

Lainey Cameron on Hear Us Roar Podcast

I was thrilled to chat recently with Maggie Smith on the Hear Us Roar Podcast, which focuses on debut women’s fiction.

We chat about the hardest character to write in The Exit Strategy, the cliche of women catfighting or seeking revenge in movies and why I didn’t want to write a “revenge porn” type of novel.

I also read from the start of the novel, and talk about exactly how my marketing background helped as I learned the craft of novel writing, and the realities of choosing a small press.

Here’s some more information on podcast and you can find more episodes on the Women’s Fiction Writers Association website.

Each Debut Author Podcast is a conversation between our moderator Maggie Smith and a debut women's fiction author. Maggie Smith, a member of WFWA since 2015, hosts our podcast. Her debut novel, TRUTH AND OTHER LIES, placed third in the 2019 Rising Star competition and is currently out on submission. Her short story, THE DEVIL YOU KNOW, appeared in the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s 2018 anthology False Face and she blogs on writing-related topics for the Chicago Writers Association and the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writer’s Association. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Chicago Writer’s Association and is the Managing Editor of their on-line literary publication The Write City Magazine. A confirmed workshop junkie and avid Instagrammer, Maggie makes her home in Milwaukee.